
25 Pineapples for an Old Hat

I need a new winter hat.

Now let me tell you why.

Today, coming out of the cobbler shop (the shoe guy, not the dessert), I fell down on hard, cold pavement. Because my stupid bowl-hat is too big. And my dainty (not dainty) noggin gets swallowed by it.

So, incidentally, I was walking back to work after lunch, and I spot this cute, crocheted off-white hat. But only not in a store. In a bush. Like someone had dropped it, and someone else picked it up and put it on bush display. (This was interesting to me, as I tend to see this most often done with baby toys and baby socks. I think this is because babies are inherently messy and disorganized.)

Anyway, I almost took it. And then I reconsidered, thinking about lice, urine, etc.

Now, on a related note, please go here and scroll down to "Vintage Boys Winter Hat."

I enjoy the copy: "Remember this style hat? I think most boys had a hat similar while growing up!"

Uh, how old is this copywriter? 236?


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