
A Mixed Basket Of Pines and Crabs for Debatable Cuteness

Sometimes I love cute things, and sometimes I don't.
See, here's how it is:

A few weeks ago, I came across this site, which, apparently, is one of the highest trafficked sites out there in this vast webbynet. That I did not know; seriously, I hadn't even heard a whisper of buzz about it.

Then again, I typically avoid blogs about the following (but not limited to):

1. Babies, especially babies just sitting doing nothing, drooling all over themselves. If your baby can hand-jive and name all of the presidents chronologically, then perhaps I want to hear about it. Perhaps not.
[Listen, I responsibly read all of the baby posts in my "regular" round of blogs, and sometimes I even genuinely admit cuteness and glee; however, as a rule, consider me unmoved. Sure, this may change; I understand that.]

2. Kittens. Now, Kate, this in no way knocks Friday Cat Blogging. In fact, I very much look forward to Friday Cat Blogging. (Where was yesterday's, huh?) Because Kate is witty and quirky about it. What I just can't tolerate: "Look at my pretty kitty. Ain't she darling? I bought her a cat toy and she used it!!! SEE?"
Yea, no shit. And yea, I fucking see.

3. Pining for Love. Now, I need to qualify this one, too. Because one of my favorite regular reads is Charming But Single, which, at heart, is a search-4-luv blog. BUT, butbutbut, Charming is sharp and wry and vulnerable, which is the polar opposite of the gratingly lachrymose blogs I loathe:
If I don't find my Mr.Right within, like, 6 minutes, then I am convinced that I am an undesirable, insufferable, scabby fatty.
Listen, finding love is hard. It will continue to be. For all of us.
Now go ahead and shut the fuck up.

So, back to the post at hand: how do I feel about Cute Overload?
Really great actually.
I mean, I don't want to visit it everyday. But sometimes they have puppies that you could just eat up they're so adorable. And puppies are at least 17 times cuter than kittens, at the least.

That's just true.

[flickr thanks to Tostie14.]


Blogger kate.d. said...

hmmm. witty and quirky. throw in "ironically detached," and i am the perfect blogger!

and i actually try to vary the weeks with friday cat blogging so as NOT to overwhelm my dear readers with what is, to be frank, a reeking blogging stereotype :) but fear not, there will always be more cat posts to come...

11:45 PM  
Blogger Hooker said...


6:16 PM  

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