
6 Crabapples for a trailer that doesn't show J-Wahl until the end

I know that by writing about The Hills three times in a week, I risk losing much of my audience. Listen---please stay. I just need to dwell on this for a bit. I've been thinking way to much about hard things, and I need to recenter myself with some relationship drama and 19-years-olds who say things like, "It's different this time, ya know?"

I couldn't find the good trailer that I wanted to show you, but this one is pretty a'ight. Jason's not in this one until the end, and that's really what I'm latching onto right now. And the other trailer highlights the wedding dress trying on thing and lots more heavy make-out sessions between LC and J, so I wish I could find that. But I can't. I'll keep looking though... I know you're all dying to see it.

Know what episode that I'm dying---DYING--to see? The one where LC and Jason are at a little bistro table... and LC's all, like, "So why did you call me?" Ten bucks says that J's explanation is no more than that shrug that they show us already. Although I've love to hear what he says if he uses his words.

The countdown is on.


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