A Single Half-Assed Pineapple for DD
Now...uhh... not like I drink too much coffee or anything, but the ad giants are peeing their chrome and leather swivel chairs today over Dunkin's new campaign... and who am I not to buy in like a newborn lamb?
Go ahead... check out the "look, i'm retro!"/"look, I'm new!" Old Navy site.
Um, right, Dunkin Donuts. Whatever.
My favorite part? The hand gesture for "the usual."
I can show them more hand gestures if they want.
I have other favorites, too.
You should see the one I do for "this coffee has obviously been sitting in the carafe for 7 hours and tastes like chicken feed n' bullshit."
Now you must excuse me while I finish watching Joanie get new teeth on ANTM. As I puke fiercely into my hand.
**photo cred to restaurantfirsts.com**
Ummm...who, much less all of America, needed to witness the bloody tooth extraction of the poor pretty girl?
ME! For one, although nothing could have dragged me away. And so I continue to embody the paradox of ANTM. I HATELOVE it so much I just can't stop. LOHATEVE? HALO? HATLOV?
Anyway... you know.
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