
72 Pineapples for Butter and Mink

The following post, which has absolutely nothing to do with the gorgeous soft black capelet given to me by E (or the fact that Tony Soprano might be dead), is dedicated to the gorgeous soft black capelet given to me by E (and the fact that Tony Soprano might be dead). In fact, I am wearing it right now.

You wouldn't think so, but faux mink coordinates perfectly with mesh shorts and a t-shirt from the boys department. I still have earrings on-- it's really okay.
Thanks again, E. It's beautiful.

So here's the deal...

Mob Happy reports that Google forgot to sign his mobile marketing permission slip. For this reason, Goog is in buzzville hot water for unapp'ed site compression. But hold your chimichurri, plucky cowpokes, SearchEngineWatch reports (via Searchviews) that Google has been partnering like a rabid cheetah with the cap'ns of mobi'phone tech. I'm willing to bet my capelet that these stripped-down cell sites won't stay that way for long, especially now that this issue has gone mainstream (if only for media ferrets).

Daddy Larry and Father Serg are on it--
Now let lil' Goog go to Old Sturbridge Village with his pals. He likes to watch the nice lady churn the butter.


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