
32 Crabapples for Bad, Bad Monkeys

Not that I would see it anyway, but I will now refuse with every fiber of my temperamental soul.

The title character of the new Curious George movie sounds like a teletubbie. Even the commercial caused me to stick my fingers in my ears and loudly repeat: "I will not be taken over by gigantic infants, I will not be taken over by gigantic infants, I will not be taken over by gigantic infants..."

Actually, I only said that twice. It doesn't really roll off the tongue as smoothly as I had hoped.

Does anyone think it's weird that one of the original C-George writers was found dead in a driveway this week? [The movie premieres Friday.]

Not to start paranoia or anything, but I blame Tinky Winky.

You see, this Shalleck guy was also a writer on the 70s kid's show Winky Dink and You (about which, I'll come clean, I've always wanted to write a new media analysis... I even went so far as to buy the whole winky kit on eBay, which is now under my bed).

Winky Dink.... Tinky Winky. Can you say copyright dispute?


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